Pratik Thanki


FourthDown API

18 December 2020
Play-by-play data for all tools/technologies and languages.
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Over the last few weeks I have been working on an open and extensible API for NFL play-by-play data for users of all tools/technologies and languages.

The FourthDown API is organised around the HTTP REST protocol and has predictable resource-oriented URLs and returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

The API can be used to get NFL schedule and team details, as well as different types of play-by-play game data. The API is designed with the primary goal of being language/tool agnostic, a shortfall in NFL data resources currently available. Most endpoints share the same set of base query parameters: GameId, Season, Team and Week.

The API is documented in OpenAPI format and supported by a few vendor extensions.

The API is designed and built on ASP.NET Core and utilises the Repository Pattern. An aspect of this that was fun was designing the API with maintainability in mind. It also meant applying sound architectural design principles.

Brief overview of the architecture I put together, leveraging open-source (❤️) and tools I’m familiar with.


Getting Started

You can create an api key using the /api/auth endpoint and pass a value to the name query parameter.

An example request looks like this:

POST /api/auth?name=bob

The response from this request will look like this:

  "key": "0fw1d8a8-f627-4a93-8ef7-294447ge5292",
  "name": "bob",
  "creationDateTime": "2020-12-22T09:27:27.899348Z",
  "expirationDateTime": "2020-12-29T09:27:27.8993712Z"

Don’t want to query the API or create a key? That’s fine!

You can pull the Docker image from the public dockerhub repository and run the container locally:

$ docker pull pratikthanki9/fourthdown-api:latest

$ docker images

REPOSITORY                        TAG         IMAGE ID        CREATED      SIZE
pratikthanki9/fourthdown-api      latest      f50f9524513f    1 days ago   85.1 MB

$ docker run pratikthanki9/fourthdown-api:latest -e USESAMPLEAUTH="true"

Or you can add it to your docker-compose and spin it up with other service, an example could look like this:

version: '3.4'

    image: pratikthanki9/fourthdown-api:latest
    container_name: fourthdown-api
      USESAMPLEAUTH: "true"
    - 5000:5000

And then docker-compose up -d from where your compose file is.

You can then query the api at http://localhost:5000 using the header { X-API-KEY: api-key }

Shoutout to the guys of the R package nflfastR (Ben Baldwin and Sebastian Carl) on the game data and modelling of EPA, WP and CPOE and many other data points and the raw data files. Lee Sharpe too for the game schedule data going back to 1999.

You can reach out to me on Twitter with any feedback or questions. Should you have any thoughts, questions, bugs or suggestions on the FourthDown API you can also raise an Issue with details and I will aim to fix or expand capabilities!

You can see more details about the endpoints on the FourthDown API Docs.

tags: API