In this post I’ll show how you can create an agent to play a simple 3-dice game, this problem can be modelled using the the Markov Decision Process.
A Markov decision process is a particular type of process that has the Markov property. Put in simple terms, this means that our actions only need to depend on the current state: it does not matter what path we took to get to this particular point. In trying to develop the optimal policy we can use the Bellman equation.
It is pretty obvious that you should stick on three 1s, and reroll on three 6s. Should you hold any of the 6s when you reroll? What about other values? What should you do if the dice come up 3, 4, 5?
We will define a simple play
method to return an “action”, that is to say which dice to stick with:
def play(self, state):
return self.policy[state]
The make-up of our agent class, notice the self.iterate
method (we will cover it shortly) which develops a set of policies our
agent will use to play the game.
class MyAgent(DiceGameAgent):
def __init__(self, game):
# Tune hyper-parameters
self.theta = 0.001
self.gamma = 0.97
# initialise value map/dict
self.value_map = dict()
self.policy = dict()
for state in
self.value_map[state] = game.final_score(state)
# "Cache" a list of states in-memory for faster look-up and avoid recalculating via get_next_states()
self.buffer = dict()
# The main iteration until delta is less than theta
delta = self.theta + 1
while delta > self.theta:
delta = self.iterate()
Here, we will implement value iteration that calculates an optimal policy for the agent using the Bellman equation which can be defined as a recursive equation that represents the value of a state in terms of the values of successor states, plus any rewards gained between the two.
We can start by assigning an initial value of 0 to each state and then use the Bellman equation to find the optimal values for each state and the action that produces it.
Our iterate
def iterate(self):
delta = 0
# Iterate over all states
for state in
# Reset best action at the start of each state
best_action_value = -1000
# keep value in temp
previous_best = self.value_map[state]
# Try all possible actions
for action in
state_total_prob = self.calculate_total_probability(action, state)
if state_total_prob > best_action_value:
best_action_value = state_total_prob
optimal_action = action
self.value_map[state] = best_action_value
self.policy[state] = optimal_action
delta = max(delta, abs(previous_best - best_action_value))
return delta
def calculate_total_probability(self, action, state):
# Get the values based on the action-states in "cache"
# Add action-state to cache if its not been seen before
if (action, state) not in self.buffer:
self.buffer[(action, state)] =, state)
output_states, game_over, reward, probabilities = self.buffer.get((action, state))
state_total_prob = 0
# Iterate over probabilities per state
for out_state, probability in zip(output_states, probabilities):
if not game_over:
state_total_prob += probability * (reward + self.gamma * self.value_map.get(out_state))
state_total_prob += probability * (reward + self.gamma *
return state_total_prob
This is the discount factor - the hyperparameter that can be tuned to emphasize the long-term reward or make the model pick the best short-term solution. 0.97 was a conservative estimate for this having consdiered the trade-off between performance and success.
Set to 0.001, it was apparent increasing theta would improve run-time and impair success of the algorithm. This was set after making the trade-off between performance and success.
n = 10,000 (games)
theta = 0.01
gamma = 0.95
Worst score:......... -10
Average score:....... 13.3012
Best score:.......... 18
Average time/game:... 0.0004879 seconds
Total time:.......... 4.8788 seconds
theta = 0.001
gamma = 0.95
Worst score:......... -8
Average score:....... 13.3221
Best score:.......... 18
Average time/game:... 0.0004768 seconds
Total time:.......... 4.7677 seconds
theta = 0.0001
gamma = 0.95
Worst score:......... -4
Average score:....... 13.3269
Best score:.......... 18
Average time/game:... 0.0004987 seconds
Total time:.......... 4.9873 seconds
theta = 0.0001
gamma = 0.97
Worst score:......... -6
Average score:....... 13.3415
Best score:.......... 18
Average time/game:... 0.0005377 seconds
Total time:.......... 5.3769 seconds
theta = 0.001
gamma = 0.97
Worst score:......... -8
Average score:....... 13.3966
Best score:.......... 18
Average time/game:... 0.0006144 seconds
Total time:.......... 6.1443 seconds
Thanks for reading!